🚨 Disclaimer: Routify 3 is currently in Release Candidate stage.

Please be aware that while the documentation is comprehensive, it may contain inaccuracies or errors. The codebase is also subject to changes that could affect functionality. We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback or contributions.




The top-level themes configuration, which includes presets and defaults for managing themes globally and individually.

presets: object (default: {})

Defines individual themes and their fallback hierarchies. Each preset can be a simple array or a detailed object.

defaults: object (default: {namespace: [/^@_/], rootNodes: ["*"], file: "en", app: "en"})

Global defaults applied to all themes, simplifying preset configurations. Includes file, app, namespaces, and rootNodes.


Defines global defaults for themes to simplify configuration.

file: string (default: "en")

Default fallback theme for unmatched files.

app: string (default: "en")

Default app-wide theme.

namespaces: array (default: [/^@_/])

Folders ignored as themes. Supports regex patterns.

rootNodes: array (default: ["*"])

Default root nodes applied to all presets.


Represents an individual theme preset. Can be configured as a simple array or a detailed object for fine-grained control.

preferences: array (default: [])

Ordered list of theme preferences. Compound themes can be defined as nested arrays.

rootNodes: array (default: [])

Specifies the root nodes for this preset.

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