🚨 Disclaimer: Routify 3 is currently in Release Candidate stage.

Please be aware that while the documentation is comprehensive, it may contain inaccuracies or errors. The codebase is also subject to changes that could affect functionality. We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback or contributions.




Themes organize routes into contexts like languages (@en, @de), seasonal content (@xmas), or UI modes (@dark). Each theme generates a dedicated rootNode, allowing for dynamic routing based on context.

How it works

For each rootNode a theme is applied, Routify creates an additional themed rootNode E.g. routes.default-theme-dark.js.


    themes: {
        presets: {
            en: ['en'],
            en_gb: ['en-gb', 'en'], // fallback to US English
            de: ['de', 'en'],            
            en_xmas: [['en', 'xmas'], 'en'], // compound theme
            // Prefer US English Xmas over localized English without Xmas
            en_gb_xmas: [['en-gb', 'xmas'], ['en', 'xmas'], 'en-gb', 'en'],
            // Always prefer German
            de_xmas: [['de', 'xmas'], 'de', 'en']
Key Points in Setup
  • Themes are listed in order of preference
    ['en-gb', 'en'] ensures UK English routes take precedence over US English.

  • Themes can be compounded
    [['en', 'xmas'], 'en'] prefers files matching both en and xmas, before falling back to en.

  • Files are only included if they satisfy a theme
    Routes must satisfy all themes in a compounded theme to be included.

File structure

src/routes/              # Root directory
├─ @_lang                # Underscored folders are Namespaces
│  ├─ @en                # English theme
│  │  ├─ @xmas           # Xmas-specific English theme
│  │  │  └─ index.svelte # Route for Xmas-specific English
│  │  └─ index.svelte    # General English route
│  └─ @de                # German theme
│     └─ index.svelte    # General German route
└─ index.svelte          # Default fallback route

Importing a Themed Route

<script context="module">
    import { Router, createRouter } from '@roxi/routify';
    const theme = 'default-theme-en-xmas';
    const routes = await import(`../.routify/routes.#123;theme}.js`).then(m => m.default);
    const router = createRouter({ routes });

<Router {router} />

For more info, see Themes API.

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